Current Volunteer Opportunities:



Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities at LTE!



December 10-13


December 10-13, LTE PTA will be sponsoring the Holiday Gift Shop. Students will be given the opportunity to purchase gifts for their family and friends. The LTE PTA will need volunteers to help the shop run smoothly and to help the students pick out and wrap their gifts.
Del 10 al 13 de diciembre, la PTA de LTE patrocinará la tienda de regalos navideños. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de comprar regalos para sus familiares y amigos. La PTA de LTE necesitará voluntarios para ayudar a que la tienda funcione sin problemas y para ayudar a los estudiantes a elegir y envolver sus regalos. 


Volunteer Here






Support LTE PTA and tell all of your friends! PTA members will also be present if you'd like to get more involved. We'd love to see you! 



Get Involved — Volunteer!


Are you interested in getting more involved with our school?

Getting involved is a great way to show your kids that you take an interest in their education. It also sends a positive message that you consider school a worthwhile cause.


When adults volunteer, all students benefit. There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved. Your help is needed! 


Thanks for your support of our school. We look forward to working and growing together!



Want to be added to our list for future volunteer opportunities? Sign up here to be added to our general interest list. 


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